When you start considering whether to use a new product or not, do you start with the efficacy information? Ultimately, efficacy tests are all the same. And, in this industry, efficacy data is everywhere. Companies use efficacy measures to show how effective their disinfectant products are. Most disinfectants can be used to sanitize and across the board, EPA determines the required contact time.
We make and sell quaternary disinfectants. “Quats” are usually a mixture of pre-determined quaternary ammonium chloride compounds. Again, most quaternary disinfectants are the same: with similar killing factors and active ingredients. It’s a simple fact, because that’s what makes them quaternary disinfectants in the first place.
So, you’ve heard that HT Products are different; right?
The difference ultimately comes down to two things: cost and benefits.
First, how much is the product really going to cost you? Health Technology Professional Products stand alone. The truth is: our products do what we say they will do and they are the best, period. And yes, you get what you pay for. In this sense, we mean environmental and invoice totals. Our disinfectants are environmentally friendly. From plastic packaging to bulk refill dispensers, HT Products is the green way to go. Our products were cost less. Do your own side by side comparisons. How much Roccal, KennelSol or WysiWash would you have to use in order to get the same level of clean as Triple Two or Kennel Kare? How much labor time do you have to invest mixing, clearing and removing the haze that other products leave behind? We boast about low use costs and a bottom line application cost because we know that time is money.
Next, how will you benefit by switching to Triple Two or Kennel Kare? We’ve heard it all: from “well we’ve always done it this way” to “this is what we used in school.” If everyone knew the true story behind our dedication, training, convenience, product manufacturing and our true concern for your health – we’re convinced that everyone would switch. Our products are non-corrosive and safe. They won’t vaporize with harmful effects in the air or oxidize pipes when washed down your drains.
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