
VHH - Veterinary Healthy Hands

VHH - Veterinary Healthy Hands
Instant Hand Sanitizer, Foaming Hand Soap

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Veterinary Healthy Hands Foaming Hand Soaps

It's flu season, do you know the six steps of proper hand hygiene? If not, I'll give you a hint:  using our foaming hand soaps just may be one of the most important steps (spread the word)

1 comment:

  1. Available scents:
    * Pleasant Peach Foaming Hand Soap
    * Honey Dew Delight Foaming Hand Soap
    * Antimicrobial Foaming Hand Soap

    *Lovely Lemon Non-Alcohol Foaming Hand Sanitizer
    *Powerful Pomegranate Non-Alcohol Foaming Hand Sanitizer
